Fiera Enada Primavera 2024 workshops

Both EGLA Founding Partners among the speakers at Fiera Enada Primavera 2024 worshops: Giovanni Carboni to discuss the online gambling reform with Barbara Beltrami (Kindred), Salvatore Vullo (Kogem), Stefano Sbordoni (Sbordoni&Partners), Riccardo Sozzi (Streetweb) moderated by Fabio Felici (Agimeg) Valérie Peano to debate on the impact of betting within the sport industry with Barbara Beltrami … Read more

Illegal betting by Premier League footballers in Italy — what lesson is yet to be learned?

Juventus F.C. midfielder Nicolò Fagioli and UK Premier League players Sandro Tonali (Newcastle) and Nicolò Zaniolo (Aston Villa) are implicated in a criminal investigation over illegal betting activities by the Italian Public Prosecutor in Turin which is supported by the anti-mafia & organised crime Police. Italian media reported that betting activities under investigation would have … Read more

Il proibizionismo non è mai la soluzione

Il divieto di pubblicità per le attività di gioco con vincita in denaro e per il gioco d’azzardo, introdotto dall’art. 9 del decreto Dignità, è entrato in vigore a luglio del 2018. A distanza di cinque anni, è possibile stendere un breve bilancio per vagliare l’efficacia della norma, anche in considerazione degli obiettivi annunciati.

Google sanctionné pour promotion de jeux d’argent illégaux en Italie

En Italie, les mesures de contraste à l’offre de jeux d’argent et de hasard illégaux s’intensifient. La récente décision de sanctionner Google Ireland Ltd (ci-après, « Google ») pour promotion de jeux d’argent illégaux que l’Autorité administrative italienne compétente en matière de communications (ci-après,« AGCOM ») a rendue le 22 octobre 2020 a retenu notre … Read more

Multa a Google per la diffusione di gioco illegale

Pochi giorni fa l’AGCOM ha comminato alla Google Ireland Limited una sanzione di centomila euro, per la violazione delle disposizioni contenute nell’art. 9 del Decreto Dignità, che ha introdotto il divieto di pubblicità e di sponsorizzazione per giochi e scommesse con vincite di denaro nonché per il gioco d’azzardo. L’iniziativa AGCOM è estremamente significativa ed … Read more

Remote gambling association LOGiCO Open Letter to the President of the Council of Ministers in Italy

With an Open Letter addressed to Mr Giuseppe Conte, current (and former) President of the Council of Ministers in Italy published on one of the most important Italian sports daily Corriere dello Sport, the remote gambling association “LOGiCO – Lega Operatori Gioco su Canale Online” called for remedies for the remote gambling sector. This letter … Read more

Ban on advertising, sponsorship and promotional communications for gambling: The Communications Regulator list of concerns to the Government

On 24 July 2019, the national Communications Authority (‘AGCOM’) has released a Notice to the Government on the Dignity Decree which introduced in 2018 a blanket ban on advertising and sponsorship for gambling in Italy. This Notice starts by AGCOM listing the relevant European and national laws and regulations on gambling advertising, putting into context the … Read more

The unbridgeable gap of the Italian gambling advertising and sponsorship ban

Article 9 of the so-called Dignity Decree (Decree-Law No. 87, dated 12 July 2018, converted with amendments by Law No. 96 of 9 August 2018) prohibits advertising, sponsorship and all other forms of communications with promotional content relating to gambling. The rationale of the blanket ban is to fight against gambling addiction and to strengthen … Read more

Let’s wake up before gambling is treated like tobacco

Legal provisions adopted in Italy concerning gambling are quite worrying.

Currently, the Italian Senate is debating another increase of the fiscal levy rate for video lotteries (VLT) and amusement with prizes (AWP) machines (low stakes, low prizes). Under the current government, these gaming machines already had two tax increases: one in July 2018, with the ‘Dignity Decree’, in order to compensate for the loss of revenues expected because of the ban on gambling advertising and sponsorships; and a second one, in December, with the Budget Law for 2019….